
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Sentinel Apiary Program | Dan Reynolds & Kelly Kulhanek
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Over the last year I participated in the Bee Informed Partnership’s Sentinel Apiary Program. You’ve heard me share tales of pulling samples and the tiny funnel that was included in the sampling kit. I was curious to learn more about what goes on at the lab at the University of Maryland where the Bee Informed Partnership is stationed. After I completed the program for the year, and upon a special request from one of our listeners, I asked for an interview and they said YES! Joining us from the BEE LAB is Kelly Kulhanek and Dan Reynolds! I might be too excited about this interview...
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Steve Rogenstein | The Ambeessadors
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Today’s interview was weeks… perhaps months in the making. This is the first time I’ve interviewed someone overseas and it took some extra effort to make it happen and I am so glad that it did! I think you will bee as charmed as I was to meet today’s guest. He is one of the early producers of New York City Honey Week, he was a key organizer for the 2019 Learning From the Bees Conference, and he continues to develop his Ambeessadors program which is a collective of bee ambassadors who work to unite scientists, beekeepers, activists, enthusiasts and their communities. Joining us from his home in Berlin, please put your nasonov glands up and welcome Steve Rogenstien to our hive!
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Roda Shope | Indigo Acres Apiary | Part 2
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Joining us from her 13 acre farm in West Michigan, here is part 2 of our visit with Roda Shope of Indigo Acres Apiary!
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Roda Shope | Indigo Acres Apiary | Part 1
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
I am so excited for today’s show. I invited our guest on sometime last year but she was a busy bee and she politely declined my request, but I let her know that the invitation was open because I really wanted to visit with her and learn about her farm and her beekeeping and her incredible photography! But life gets busy, so I completely understood. She and I kept up on social media though, and one day she sent me a message saying that she was ready to join me for an episode!!! I enjoyed our talk so much that I did not want to cut anything out, so I am making this a 2 part feature. Delivering some Oprah Winfrey realness, she and I open up about some very personal struggles and how working with bees is the centering force that keeps us fabulous. Joining us from her 13 acre farm in West Michigan, please turn it up for Roda Shope of Indigo Acres Apiary!
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Peter Nelson | The Pollinators
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Today’s guest is a beekeeper, a cinematographer, and director of The Pollinators. His work on this film has earned numerous film festival awards including the Rob Stewart Eco Warrior Award, the Gaia Prize for Environmental Film-making, the Best Cinematography Feature Documentary, and more. I was fortunate to be connected with him through Meredith May, author of the Honey Bus. I was also very lucky to be granted access to view the film prior to the national day of screening which takes place on November 6th. I highly recommend this film not just for beekeepers, but for anyone who likes to eat food. The Pollinators highlights the major and the lesser seen flaws in our agricultural system, and how the migratory beekeepers are responding to the ongoing changes and challenges in order to keep our nation's crops pollinated. This was an amazing interview and I am really beelighted to introduce our guest, Peter Nelson.
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Meredith May | The Honey Bus
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Today’s guest is an author, a journalist, a teacher, and a 5th generation beekeeper. Her most recent work, The Honey Bus, tells the story of a girl growing up in a dysfunctional family who finds solace in learning about bees and beekeeping from her grandfather. For someone who works with bees, the rich details knitted into this memoir are both comforting and familiar. The smells and sounds of the hive, and the emotional restoration that we find when we are working with our beloved insects.
I read The Honey Bus over the summer, after winning a copy of it and 2 jars of Honey Bus Honey from an instagram giveaway from one of my favorite beekeepers, Roda Shope of Indigo Acres Apiary. It was only after I finished the book that I decided to invite our guest on for an interview. I was head to toe thrilled when she said yes! She was delightful to talk with and I think you will love her as much as I do - meet Meredith May, author of The Honey Bus!
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Dr. Humberto Boncristiani | Inside the Hive.TV
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
On today’s show we visit with a biologist who is an applied researcher of honey bee husbandry at the University of Florida Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab. His work is dedicated to solving problems that large commercial beekeeping operations are faced with. He spends time in the field and in the lab trying to make things better for the beekeepers and their bees.
But his passion for biology and photography coupled with his desire to teach and share his knowledge with others has led him to create a very high quality video series that features honey bee biology, diagnostics, the science behind the discoveries, and issues that are relevant to keeping bees in today’s environment. He has a true worker bee mentality, working selflessly for the greater good of the beekeeping industry.
Meet Dr. Humberto Boncristiani of Insidethehive.TV!
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Anniversary Special
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Beekeeper Confidential is a year old! How exciting to reflect on an entire year of connecting with and interviewing amazing people. It has been a treat producing this show, and the anniversary episode is all about behind the scenes stories, listener questions and answers, and tips for getting into podcasting.
Check out our new website at www.beekeeperconfidential.com and join our community forum!
You can also find Beekeeper Confidential on Facebook and Instagram.
To become a patron visit Mandy's Patreon page at www.patreon.com/mandyshaw
Cover art by Meggyn Pomerleau

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wild Everlasting | Fonta Molyneaux
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Mandy met today’s guest last October at the Oregon State Beekeepers Association conference. They had recently connected on social media so they weren't complete strangers, but they had never met her in person. Fonta greeted Mandy with the most generous hug and genuine enthusiasm for this show (even though it was still in its infancy). Their paths crossed again in person when they both presented at the Feminine Legacy in Beekeeping conference last May and they happened to be staying at the same B&B. It was a totally bonding experience for them and they have been very close ever since. Though they are separated by a 4 hour drive and don’t get to hang out very often, when they do it is a total bee girl party. This summer Mandy got to go visit Fonta at her biodynamic farm in Cottage Grove, which is lovingly named Wild Everlasting. It is a place that is dedicated to the health of pollinators, and has been recognized as an Oregon Bee Project Flagship Farm. Mandy is so excited to introduce you to her friend and bee goddess, Fonta Molyneaux!
For notes from today's show visit Mandy's blog at waggleworkspdx.com

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Hilary Kearney | Girl Next Door Honey
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
This week's guest is a creative powerhouse who has harnessed her talents to build a successful beekeeping business and has established herself as a leader in the industry. Mandy got to spend time with her while she was in Portland promoting her new book, Queenspotting. She attended her book reading and signing at Powell’s bookstore and afterwards they visited over cocktails and delicious popcorn. Mandy was really happy to spend time getting to know the person behind the fame prior to recording this episode, which was planned for the following day. They had originally planned to have the interview at the international rose test garden, but traffic that afternoon was really gnarly and when Mandy went to pick her up she saw how close she was staying to an even better interview spot. So Mandy made a quick phone call to a friend to see if they could use his space for the afternoon, and the rest was history… Meet Hilary Kearney of Girl Next Door Honey!
For notes from today's show visit Mandy's blog at waggleworkspdx.com